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Monitor and dive with complete confidence knowing your DPV is sealed with the Dive Xtras BlackTip Vacuum Bulkhead.

Dive with peace of mind and don't forget to grab a Dive Xtras BlackTip Vacuum Bulkhead, the epitome of reliability and innovation! This precision-engineered nose cap serves as a proactive measure, enabling you to inspect tube and tail seals for any potential failures before submerging your precious dive scooter. Divers are free to leave this bulkhead on their BlackTip DPV while diving and can even dive while under vacuum if desired.

Dive Xtras BlackTip Vacuum Bulkhead Features

  • All-aluminum Construction

  • Neutral & Trim

  • Built-in Accessory/GoPro Mount Point

  • External Pressure Release Port Plug

  • Analog Pressure Gauge

  • Built-in Weight Compartments for Fine-Tuning Balance

  • Handheld Vacuum Pump Included

  • Built-in Handle for Easy Removal

  • Extra BlackTip Strap Included to Accommodate Longer Body

  • Doubles as a Soup or Cereal Bowl in a Pinch!

  • Fits any BlackTip Underwater Scooter - Travel | Tech | Exploration

**This bulkhead draws a vacuum from within the scooter body, eliminatingĀ additional possible points of failure. This does mean that the seal between the bulkhead and your BlackTip's nose will not be able to be checked along with the rest of your scooter butĀ rest easy knowing any possible leaks from this point will be caught by the bulkhead beforeĀ it can affect your batteries or electronics.