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Free Up Your Hands and Get the Most out of Your LEFEET P1 Underwater Scooters with the Scuba Tank Mount!

LEFEET P1 Underwater Scooter Scuba Tank Mount in Use

Ever wish you could put the power of your underwater scooter on your back? With the LEFEET P1 Scuba Tank Mount you can secure that power to your tank just like James Bond in Thunderball!

The LEFEET P1 Scuba Tank Mount is a must-have accessory that allows you to mount one or two LEFEET P1 scooters to your diving tank.

Having your underwater scooters conveniently mounted to your tank frees up your hands to work on your craft or comfortably dive and move around freely.

*For the best results and a better user experience, it is recommended to use the LEFEET P1 Remote Control Extension Kit with the Scuba Tank Mount.

LEFEET P1 Scuba Tank Mount Specifications

  • Dimensions: 5.11 x 3.03 inches

  • Strap Size: Adjustable

*LEFEET P1 Scooters and Remote Control Extension Kit not included.